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How Does Your Campus Keep Up with Fire Protection?

by | May 23, 2018

Every year, thousands of fires occur on college campuses, and most of them are preventable. Smoking, electrical issues, and faulty smoke detecting and fire prevention equipment are among the top-rated causes for fatal campus fires. Preventative measures of fire protection, like annual fire safety inspections, are some of the ways colleges reduce the chances of a campus fire.

So, how does your campus keep up with fire protection?

Overall, there are plenty of practical ways to maintain fire safety protocol and distribute useful information to students.

A few examples of this may be:

  • – Fire safety pamphlets
  • – Informative posters
  • – Trained dorm staff
  • – Well-maintained sprinkler systems
  • – Regularly checked smoke detectors
  • – Student meetings on fire safety
  • – New fire extinguishers


Of all these methods, regular fire safety inspections cover almost all of these bases. Some college campuses will reach out to third-party inspection companies, but some do their own in-house NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) inspections. For those campuses who conduct their own annual inspections, fire inspection software is perfect for a quick and easy solution. Here, you will find some of the benefits of using inspection software to keep up with fire protection safety standards on college campuses.

Decrease Time Spent

NFPA inspections are usually conducted by printing out the inspection papers, attaching them to a clipboard, and checking everything off by hand before scanning it and saving everything to a computer for future use. Today, modern inspection software has campuses use iPads to flip through the inspection, making this process user-friendly quickly. No more wasting time printing paper, writing results by hand, and scanning physical documents. Photos can be taken as a part of a report, which saves time; no longer having to take the picture and add it to the inspection file after the fact.

Cost Reduction

By cutting time on the fire inspection process, the cost of inspections is additionally reduced. With  software, inspections are optimized to become highly efficient and require less workforce to execute them. In addition to the money saved from efficiency, the cost of printing documents is completely erased with the use of digital records. Lastly, there is a cost when hiring a third-party inspection company to execute the inspections. By using fire inspection software to do it yourself, campuses don’t have to pay the additional cost to a third party company.

Increase Organization

It can be easy to forget about routine inspections in the businesses of the school year. With inspection software installed onto iPads, campuses can receive notifications, updates about the status of the inspection review, and alarms set for upcoming inspections. Using these organization tools and more, campus inspection teams can stay on the same page and make fire protection and inspections a routine, streamlined process.

Branded Inspections

Another perk of fire safety software is the ability to uniformly brand documents to match your school’s colors, font, and logo. While not necessary, it is good when sending inspection documents to a contractor who may find it useful for organization purposes. Inter-departmental file sharing may also find branding documents useful to discern internal and external inspection documents.

Never Lose Another Inspection Report

Lastly, and one of the most important benefits of fire safety inspection software, is reducing the chance of losing essential inspection documents. Often, records are lost in between the inspection and the paper going into the scanner. By using a digital inspection, the chance of losing the inspection report is slim to none. Executing regular checks is a lot of work, and there’s nothing worse than losing all that work and starting over from scratch.

Fire safety inspections are an integral part of fire protection, and campus safety, and should be treated as such. Inspections reduce the risk of on-campus disaster from faulty extinguishers, sprinklers, and alarms. By handling inquiries internally campuses save money and take control of the inspection process. By choosing fire safety inspection software, campuses save money, time, and also resources. Increase organization and decrease the chance of lost documents by keeping a digital copy at your fingertips. Streamlining these routine tasks keeps all campus staff up to date on essential status updates and reviews.


Want to learn more about how your campus can benefit from fire inspection software?

Request A Demo to find out how Inspect Point can help you and your campus.

Jennifer Doyle

Co-Founder and VP of Customer Success at Inspect Point