Inspect Point Table at the AFSA Sacramento Valley 10th Anniversary Trade Show
Jeff Pirro is back from Sacramento and had good things to say about the AFSA Sacramento Valley 10th Anniversary Trade Show! Inspect Point sponsored a breakfast, which was very popular and where Jeff met many people attending the show. The AFSA Sacramento Valley’s website described the morning breakfast session as “Keeping up with NFPA 13,” presented by AFSA Vice President of Technical Services & Engineering, John Denhardt, P.E., FSFPE. It reviewed changes made over time to NFPA 13 that will affect the fitter, inspector, and layout technicians. Background information on final decisions made by the technical committees and standards council was also reviewed.
Back at the Thunder Valley Casino & Resort, we had four hours of booth time where we were able to meet with many of the 300+ attendees. So great to meet people and to be at another in-person event!
Special shout out to Paulene Norwood! She kept all of us informed about exhibiting details and was a huge help to Inspect Point. Thank you, Paulene!